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Individual support -

Coaching instead of classic tutoring 

Classic tutoring is aimed at improving your child's subject-specific performance. However, the causes of these technical deficits in school are often much more complex. Everyday school life as a whole is a challenge for the students and therefore also for you as parents. 


The school system is complex. Pupils have up to 8 subjects per week with changing teachers. The lessons are very different and the demands on your child could not be more different. Often there is a lack of transparency and thus also insight in this system both on the parent and student side.


Pupils find it difficult to follow the respective lesson attentively  and to prepare specifically for a work or exam. The reasons for this are often not technical deficits, but difficulties in the area of self-organization and time management. Disinterest, lack of motivation and thus technical deficits are the consequences. In order to be able to remedy these consequences, we start with the cause and thus distinguish ourselves from classic tutoring. For this reason we do not speak of tutoring, but of coaching. 

"Coaching is the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to develop themselves and become more successful."

Unsere Lehramtstudenten helfen Ihrem Kind in einer 1 zu 1 Betreuung durch den Schulalltag und fördern es gezielt. Ganz nach the principle"Help me do it myself", promote them those areas of competence that are a basic requirement for successful and lifelong learning. These competences serve as tools,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf58d_14-bb3b3-5c58d_14-debb3-97c-5debb3978d_9s -136bad5cf58d_Your child in the future uses to deal with new challenges in the school and professional context in a structured and relaxed manner.

Our goal:You teach yourself math, German and English... We create the conditions

Individual funding - One Term definition

Individual support is a political term that is not based on a uniformly recognized definition - the essential feature is the student-centred perspective.


The focus of individual support is on the children, who are valued as personalities. According to your learning starting positions  they are supported in such a way that they can develop their talents, skills and competencies in the best possible way and thus achieve the best possible educational success. It is not about teaching every child and young person individually – in the sense of “separately”. Individual support means creating learning situations in which students can actively develop their skills, take responsibility for their learning process and recognize and reflect on their learning progress - (...).


Current situation in schools

Individual support is anchored in the laws and decrees of many federal states. In North Rhine-Westphalia, individual funding is a legally enforceable right in das school law , Lower Saxony's school law takes up the fact that individual support should be made possible according to talent. In 2007, Baden-Württemberg made individual support the main theme of its education policy.

In practice, however, the implementation of individual support is still in its infancy in many places. While it can be seen that the topic of individual support is perceived as increasingly important, "the teachers ... only very hesitantly succeed inlearning culture  and to create a learning environment that enables individual support."

This may be due to the fact that a sustainable switch to individual support requires fundamental changes in all areas of a school. In the classroom, beyond the student-oriented and activating approaches known from reform pedagogy, several factors are necessary to create a structured learning environment that enables the teacher to respond better to individual students and enables the students to learn independently. For example, teachers need diagnostic skills and procedures in order to be able to recognize the support needs and potential of all children and young people. You need knowledge about forms and procedures, methods and instruments of individualization. This includes knowledge about learning arrangements, the importance of the designed space, about feedback procedures, about changed performance documentation and evaluation.

The necessary changes are a question of the school development  and must be decided and implemented across schools. If initiatives only come from individual teachers and if they are not anchored organizationally and systematically, individual support can only have a limited effect. In the transnational case study of the EU-MAIL project. the specialist groups for Germany observed that the individualisation of learning was not realized at any of the project schools in accordance with the objectives. The Nordic as well as the English experts named as aggravating working conditions "lack of means for targeted language support for the large number of pupils with a migration background, large classes and a lack of teamwork or the lack of professional exchange in colleges". At the same time, the international experts observed that German teachers had a much more extensive repertoire of methods than teachers in other countries.örderung

framework concept

Basics and Possibilities

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